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Free Book!

I’m really excited, because I’m on the brink of being ready to launch my newsletter.


It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, but as a busy mom, wife, and author with a full time job, inevitably the task of figuring out how to manage a newsletter has fallen by the wayside for far too long. Still, I promised myself I would take time this fall to figure it out, and the good news is, I’m almost ready to get it out there.


The newsletter, called The Pub Crawl, will cover publishing industry insights, writing updates, and general news about what’s happening in my little corner of the world. You might be wondering, Why has it taken you so long to figure out that people want a newsletter? Honestly, it was one of those snowball things. I wanted to give away a free book to people who signed up for my newsletter – and I had the exact perfect book in mind: The Guest Book, which was the original sequel to my debut novel, The Book Proposal. Only problem was, I first needed to learn how to use a layout program to make it look like a book instead of a Microsoft Word document. Then, I needed to give it a cover. Then, I needed to figure out how to link it to a giveaway using some kind of distribution app. I had to copyright it. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And never mind the fact that I also had to choose a newsletter hosting site, come up with a cute name for said newsletter, AND figure out what to talk about.


Like I said, it was a snowball.


Still, I’m happy to share that it’s almost ready – and I offer you this call to action: sign up for my newsletter here and get your own copy of The Guest Book!

I hope you like it!

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